Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Songs Dead Men Sing

Scott Warner, my husband's brother, died eleven years ago yesterday. I remember his music and his struggles with alcohol and memory loss in a post at Good Letters today. I hope you'll take a few minutes to read it. 

In the last weeks of his life Scott was hospitalized and sober and his kind and sweet spirit returned to us as he was taking leave of this life. He told the nurses he felt great even though when asked further he said his pain level was 8 and 9. He planned to see our youngest daughter's gymnastics meet, until he realized he was confined to bed. He spoke kindly to friends and family who came to say goodbye.

He spent his last night at home, woke up with a burst of energy, jumped out the hospital bed placed in his living room, looked out at the redwood forest, the San Lorenzo River streaming below it, his cat Samson lounging in a sunspot and uttered his last words; words so wonderfully fully Scott, none of us can help smiling when we remember them:

"Today's my lucky day. I think I'll buy a lottery ticket."

Here is Scott singing "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" accompanied by photos from his life.

Memory eternal. Love unfolding.

Special thanks my husband Kevin, Scott's youngest brother, for marrying both me and the slideshow to music.